the caribbean digital VIII

Out of synch: November 15–19, 2021
In synch: Friday, December 3, 2021 1–3:30PM EST

A Virtual Symposium

This year, the annual Caribbean Digital event was held virtually, with a new digital community project and a virtual gathering. On December 3, we came together virtually to listen to an exciting group of invited panelists discuss two sets of crucial questions for Caribbean digital scholarship: How do we engage with Caribbean communities in building Afro-diasporic institutions? Whereto Caribbean digital libraries and archives? This year we turned our collective critical attention to the online edition of James Grainger's colonial poem The Sugar-Cane (1764). The new project—Annotating Grainger—followed on the heels of last year's wonderful Collective Annotation of Aimé Césaire’s Notebook of a Return to My Native Land. As a bonus, this year we continued the work of last year's Directory of Caribbean Digital Scholarship. Learn more or get involved.