In 2019, scholar, writer and artist Frances Negrón-Muntaner (Columbia University) conceived the award-winning art installation Valor y Cambio to explore what people in Puerto Rico, a colony of the United States currently subject to severe austerity measures, valued, and to introduce the concept of community currency. The transmedia project—which digitally records oral histories while dispensing the currency from a modified ATM—exceeded all expectations by attracting thousands of participants and inspiring the creation of community currencies in Puerto Rico and the United States. In this talk, Negrón-Muntaner reflects on the origins and impact of the project, the anticipatory power of art, and introduces a new concept that arose from the project: decolonial joy. This is a specific form of joy that arises when individuals and communities “feel” the possibility of a different future, one where neither colonialism nor coloniality rules over their lives.